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The love of a young couple

(דירוג אחד)

The love of a young couple

Chen Kuczynski


ת. כניסה לקטלוג: 06-07-2018

ת. עדכון אחרון: 25-05-2019

להשיג בחנויות הבאות:

A passionate love story, full of limitless erotica, secret motives and carnal pleasures that lead to tragedies and great happiness – the original script of “The Love of a Young Couple” takes the reader through a series of events that lack boundaries. Some of these events are tragic with a surprising and unexpected ending. The author, Chen Kuczinkski, born in 1990, is a student of script-writing at the Minsher School of Art in Tel Aviv. Through his writing, Chen Kuczinkski, tries to pass on the message of life, happiness and love as well as the knowledge that optimism and good shall follow even the worst and most tragic events.

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